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Testing concurrent systems can be more difficult than single threaded applications, since the test itself and the application are running on separate threads. Moreover, because of Riker's resilient self-healing approach where panics are isolated, handled and the failed component restarted, detecting failures in tests proves challenging.

To help make testing easier, the riker-testkit introduces a 'probe' that can be sent to actors either through messaging or as part of an actor's Props. Probes can then emit values back to the test thread.

Here's an example of testing an actor restart:

extern crate riker_testkit;

use riker::actors::*;

use riker_testkit::probe::{Probe, ProbeReceive};
use riker_testkit::probe::channel::{probe, ChannelProbe};

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Add;

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct TestProbe(ChannelProbe<(), ()>);

#[actor(TestProbe, Add)]
struct Counter {
    probe: Option<TestProbe>,
    count: u32,

impl Counter {
    fn actor() -> Counter {
        Counter {
            probe: None,
            count: 0

impl Actor for Counter {
    // we used the #[actor] attribute so CounterMsg is the Msg type
    type Msg = CounterMsg;
    type Evt = ();

    fn recv(&mut self,
                ctx: &Context<Self::Msg>,
                msg: Self::Msg,
                sender: Sender) {
        self.receive(ctx, msg, sender);

impl Receive<TestProbe> for Counter {
    type Msg = CounterMsg;

    fn receive(&mut self,
                _ctx: &Context<Self::Msg>,
                msg: TestProbe,
                _sender: Sender) {
        self.probe = Some(msg)

impl Receive<Add> for Counter {
    type Msg = CounterMsg;

    fn receive(&mut self,
                _ctx: &Context<Self::Msg>,
                _msg: Add,
                _sender: Sender) {
        self.count += 1;
        if self.count == 1_000_000 {

fn actor_tell() {
    let sys = ActorSystem::new().unwrap();

    let props = Props::new(Box::new(Counter::actor));
    let actor = sys.actor_of(props, "me").unwrap();

    let (probe, listen) = probe();
    actor.tell(TestProbe(probe), None);

    for _ in 0..1_000_000 {
        actor.tell(Add, None);

    p_assert_eq!(listen, ());

This test sends a test probe to the test actor, which is keeps and uses to signal back after one million test messages were received. The macro p_assert_eq! waits (blocks) on the listener until a value is received from the probe.